Sunday, 12 February 2012

My Favourite :)

Here comes another awesomeness of my idol, Maksim Mrvica! :D In this video, he's playing a song entitled "Claudine". You know what, this is my favourite song :). I almost cry when listening to this piece as the melody is so beautiful and gentle. I always feel so free and calm if I listen to this song. And I want to share it with you. Hope you love it! ;)

Friday, 10 February 2012

Today's Quotes

Here are some wise and inspiring quotes for me. I hope they can help you to solve your problem or maybe motivate you :)

"The truth in life, everyone is going to hurt you. You just have to find the ones worth suffering for." -Bob Marley

"If you love somebody, set them free. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were." -anonymous

"The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique." -Walt Disney

"Once you start to dislike someone, everything they do begins to annoy you." -anonymous

"My pain may be the reason for somebody's laugh. But my laugh must never be the reason for somebody's pain." -Charlie Chaplin

"Friendship can't be explained, it simply exists." -anonymous

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." -Albert Einstein

"Expectation is the root of all heartache." -William Shakespeare

"Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity." -Khalil Gibran

Awesome Guys are AWESOME

Finally, after some months being abandoned, I write another post again. Cheers!
This time, I want to share little information about my idol (maybe). As I love playing piano, of course my idol is a pianist. But, I have more than one idol. So, I'll tell you about these two wonderful pianists I love. Enjoy! 
  (Left : Maksim Mrvica ; Right : Lang Lang)
Handsome and talented, what a perfect combination! <3

First, I will give you some information about Maksim. He's a Croatian pianist. He took up piano lesson from the age of nine and gave his first public performance in the same year. Generally, he plays classical crossover music. And of course, he has recorded a lot of Albums. I love him because of the way he plays the classical music. He can arrange classical music so well that every person who hears it will be attracted. He makes classical music becomes easy-listening music. Here is his discography :
  • 1999 – Gestures (Lisinski Studios)
  • 2003 – The Piano Player (EMI)
  • 2004 – Variations Part I & II (EMI)
  • 2005 – A New World (EMI)
  • 2006 – Electrik (EMI)
  • 2007 – Pure (MBO)
  • 2008 – Pure II 
  • 2008 – Greatest Maksim (EMI)
  • 2010 – Appassionata 
For more information about him, you can click this link :

Some picture of him :)

Then, this is Lang Lang part! =D. He is a Chinese pianist. FYI, he is considered as the 'hottest artist on the classical music planet'! He is now residing in New York. He has recorded many albums, compilations, and live albums. Even he has his own biography "Journey of A Thousand Miles" which is published in eight languages. He's my idol because I love the way he plays the music. He has the flair and communicative power. I cannot find the proper word to describe his awesomeness :)

If you want to know more about him, just check this out :

I think that's enough about my idol. Maybe next time, I will create other posts about their AWESOMENESS ;) If you don't like them, that's okay. I'll still be their fans! :D

Kisah Nyata

Ini adalah sebuah kisah
Tentang seorang gadis remaja
Yang hidupnya penuh tawa
Namun tak jua merasa bahagia

Ini adalah sekelumit cerita
Tentang seorang gadis remaja
Yang akhirnya menemukan cinta
Dan menganggapnya paling berharga

Ini adalah sepenggal romansa
Tentang seorang gadis remaja
Yang baginya cinta adalah segalanya
Walaupun kini itu tak lagi nyata

Sesungguhnya ini adalah tragedi
Tentang gadis yang patah hati
Yang terbuai oleh cinta dan melambung tinggi
Tak menyadari bahaya yang menghempasnya mati

Monday, 6 February 2012

Asal-Usul "Dunia Maya"

Mungkin beberapa dari kalian ada yang penasaran, mengapa blog ini dinamai "Dunia Maya"? Kalau tidak ada yang penasaran juga tidak masalah, saya tidak akan memaksa. Lagipula, tujuan utama post ini adalah untuk memperbanyak post di blog ini, bukan memuaskan rasa penasaran anda. :p
Sebenarnya alasan blog ini dinamai "Dunia Maya" sangat sederhana. Alasannya yaitu, karena 'Maya' adalah nama saya dan blog ini menceritakan dunia saya. Sangat sederhana, kan? Tapi jangan kecewa dulu. Kalau mau alasan yang lebih rumit juga ada, kok. Alasan rumitnya, blog adalah salah satu bagian dari dunia maya atau dunia semu. Karena saya membagi cerita saya lewat blog, sama artinya dengan saya membagi cerita lewat dunia maya. :)

Masih belum puas? Rasa penasarannya dipendam dulu deh. Ingat, berhentilah sebelum kenyang!