Thursday, 23 January 2014

Let Go

Have you ever experienced a situation when you can do nothing but giving up? When the person you really love has to go and you can do nothing but saying goodbye?

I am in that kind of situation right now and it really breaks my heart. I'm not talking about boyfriend or anything similar, it's my teacher. Maybe some of you wonder, why would I be sad just because of a teacher? She is not just a teacher. She teaches chemical and also my homeroom teacher. That might not seem very special to you, but she is special for me. Although I am not the closest student to her, but somehow she has a special place in my heart that even I don't know. So, why am I sad? Well, she has a cancer. Whenever I think about cancer, I just remembered my grandmother who passed away because of cancer. I don't want that to happen to my favorite teacher. However, though I've prayed every night, it seems that God has another plan. Her condition now is not well, not even better. And wishing her to get well soon sounds ridiculous. I'm not being pessimistic, I tried to be realistic. Because I know, high expectations cause so much pain. I have to accept the fact that she might not be able to teach us again. I never knew that she is so important to me, but she is. When I heard about her condition today, I cried. The only thing I can do is to let God do the rest.

Sometimes, things don't work as you plan and you have to accept that. Sometimes, the person you love the most has to leave your life. And what should you do? Begging for that person to stay? Praying to God day and night to bring them back? It's actually a very selfish action. You have to learn to let go. Remember that God have the best plan for us. We have to move on so that we can see other better opportunities waiting for us. Never cry over your ex-boyfriend. It's just the past and you should never try to go back. Once you say goodbye, it means you are ready for the next phase of your life. Why would you bring something that you've left behind along you? It just adds your burden. That's life. There's happiness and there's pain. There's a meeting and there's a goodbye. You just have to learn from the pain, say goodbye to it, move forward and never look back. I know that's hard, but the happiness you will get worth the pain. Just to ensure you, keep this quote in mind :

When you really love a person, set him free. If he returns, he will be yours forever. But if he doesn't, he never will.

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Another New Year Resolution

Happy New Year!

Gak kerasa, tiba-tiba udah 2014. Dan seperti kebanyakan orang, ini adalah saatnya untuk membuat resolusi tahun baru yang biasanya dilupakan dan diingat kembali di tahun baru berikutnya. Tahun lalu aku juga bikin resolusi untuk 2013 yang untungnya sedikit aku ingat tapi tetap banyak yang gak dilakukan. Okay, mungkin aku akan sedikit evaluasi resolusiku tahun lalu. Ada beberapa point yang udah berhasil aku capai, antara lain :
- Lebih rajin posting di blog
- Lebih banyak temen
Udah itu aja.

Kalo dilihat-lihat emang gak terlalu banyak yang berubah dari aku. Atau mungkin emang cukup banyak yang berubah, tapi jadi lebih buruk (eh). Emang kalo dipikir-pikir hidupku dari tahun ke tahun nggak tambah baik, malah sebaliknya. Temenku memang lebih banyak daripada waktu SMP, jauh lebih banyak malah. Tapi entah kenapa aku malah ngerasa nggak punya temen. Maka dari itu, resolusiku untuk tahun 2014 adalah :


Hampir sama dengan tahun lalu sih. Dan memang itu yang paling sulit aku ubah. Aku mungkin terlihat cukup percaya diri di hadapan temen-temenku, tapi sebenernya aku adalah orang yang sangat rendah diri. Aku ngerasa kalo aku nggak cukup cantik dan gaul sehingga aku cenderung agak minder di sekitar temen-temenku. Semoga tahun ini aku berhasil mencari jalan untuk keluar dari segala perasaan rendah diri itu :)

Cuma satu aja resolusinya? Ya, aku kira satu aja udah cukup, jangan rakus! Satu aja belum tentu tercapai kok mau minta banyak. Namanya resolusi itu bukan to-do-list. Resolusi itu sesuatu yang ingin kita capai demi hidup yang lebih baik (ea). Jadi buat kalian yang pingin ikut-ikutan keren bikin resolusi tahun baru, gak usah banyak-banyakan resolusi! Tapi kalian harus banyak-banyakan resolusi yang tercapai tahun depan. So, once again, Happy New Year 2014! Be Better!